Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Mind of a Leader

The life of a leader isn't for everybody. It has been almost a month since I have been a leadership student in ministry school and I am enjoying this journey of learning to become a great leader. So far we are learning the 21 Laws of Leadership by: John Maxwell. Let me take you into some of what we have learned so far.

1. The Law of The Lid- Leadership determines the level of effectiveness.
                 - This means no matter how high your effectiveness is, if your leadership doesn't match then what you are doing is pointless. " Remember their are 2 kind of leaders; Good ones and Bad ones" ( Which one will you be?)
2. The Law of Influence- Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.
                  - In the study it says " I rely on influence rather than on my position or title to get others to follow me or do what I want. You know if you have to get people to follow you just because of your title or position then you are a leader for the wrong reason, because at the end of the day it's not about your title, it's about the influence that you show through your life
3. The Law of Process- Leadership devlops daily, NOT in a day
                  - Now a days we think things are just to suppose to happen quick. I got news for you, they don't. Everything you do that is going to benefit your life in a postive way will take time. So if you want to become something great or become bettere at something, just know it will take time.
4. The Law of Navigation- Anyone can steer the ship, It takes a Leader to chart the course.
                  - Not everybody can steer you into the direction that you are suppose to go in, reasone being because they themselves don't have direction in their own life. With these laws you will not be a expert at all of them, thats why it's important to develop a team because there just might be someone else who is a better navigator than you are.