Monday, March 11, 2013

So you think He's not there............

Everybody go through stuff. You go through stuff, I go through stuff, hey even that boy or girl who is the most popular in school go through stuff. It is time to stand and be the difference. Standing up and just being different is not good enough any more. The next level would have to be just simply being the difference. Every day you wake up know in your mind that, “yes, something could happen today that just might change the feel of the day, but in the midst of that I'm going to be strong and push through no matter what.” Don't ever let nobody tell you that it is alright to just sit around for a while, because it's not. God has placed people in our lives for a reason. This is for you to know and fully understand that you are not alone and that when you are in need allow these people to help you. Some of us may not be use to the idea of accepting people into their lives as care givers or just simply encouragers, but when God is in it only the best will come out of it. The life that we live as Christians is for sure not a easy one, but at the end of the day a satisfying one. The bible says in Hebrews ch.13, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” He will always be there even when you think no one is there, when everyone has abandon you, when it seem like the world is completely against you, He will be there. The funny thing is that sometimes even we ourselves try to push God away , but the love that he has for us is so strong that that will never happen. We as the people can and even at times will run away from Him, but He will never ruin away from us. Be encouraged that He came, lived, died, and now live again at the right hand of the father interceding for you and I. Also, like it or not “YOU ARE NEVER ALONE.”

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Importance of Others

Sometimes you wake up and you wonder how will things go today. Knowing that God will be with you every always, makes it a little easy to expect good things. Sometimes we even feel like we are all alone in this big world with nobody even looking your way. God place people in our lives for many different reasons. At the end of the day it is up to you to use them. For so long I felt this way; all alone and nobody with me. As God begin to open my eyes and as I begin to look more closely at my surroundings, I see what He has placed around me. This past weekend I was invited for dinner at Bev and Walt's House. The food was great and so was the fellowship. The thing that I learned the most about the whole thing was that, “If you don't use who God place in your life for the benefit of growth and the act of fellowship with other believers,” then yes you will feel alone. God has a plan for everything and through Him things will be made better. I thank God for the people he has placed in my life, and it is time I started to get rid of my pride and allow the those people to be a blessing to my life. Also allowing them be encouragements and a help as I walk out this life as a believer in Christ.