Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Power of Prayer

Well this we learned that Prayer is the greater work. Sometimes we spend so much time in our busy lives doing a ton of other things besides praying. As Pastor Tim talks about how we should develop a daily prayer life, I think doing this would even out many lives. Now is this saying that life or everything will be perfect, absolutely not, but it will allow you to allow God to be at His correct place in your life. Pastor Tim said one Sunday that if you can talk, listen, then you can pray. The problem with this generation that I live in is that, it’s not that we can’t talk or listen, it’s that we don’t take time out to do it. We don’t make it a priority in our lives. We would much rather devote our time to facebook, twitter,  and all kinds of other social media networks, then take at least 1 to 2 hours a day in prayer. When we prayer we not only communicate with God, but our relationship with God will continue to grow. Now as a leader I am working toward building a better prayer life, not just because I need it but because as a Christian I should want prayer for my life. No more waiting until church to pray or when a prayer meeting is held, but rather practice privately what can show corporately. Another important piece to prayer is listening. The reason we don’t have effective prayer lives is because we spend most of the time talking instead of just listening and allowing God to speak to us. Remember even the disciple’s ask Jesus how then should we pray, and He told them that they should follow the model prayer. Take time out and read Matthew 6: 9-15

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Your Life is a Witness

So this week the school of ministry went to South Hill, Va.,to do a youth revival  at the South Hill Church of God. Many times people go to different events or churches like that and think that they are only there to impact the lives of the people, but through this revival I have come to learned that even at another place besides your own you too can be impacted. The South Hill encounter was really good and God showed up and lives were changed, not because he just did it, but because people made a decision within themselves to drop everything, forget the past and give all they got to follow the one and only true King,, Jesus. Is it easy to make this transition, No, but when you allow God to be in your life the transition becomes how he wants it, not how we want it. Many people want to change a serve God, but they say well Ill change, just let me keep this one thing or that thing, I’ll get rid of my friends that are holding me back, but just let me keep the one friend who sometimes tell me it’s ok to do wrong. For God this doesn’t work, he wants us to get rid of it all to be with Him. Over the course of four nights we have learned about many biblical examples of people who decided to put their past behind them and press toward the prize of God’s plans and purposes for his/her life.

Paul persecuted many Christians, but on the road to Damascus he encountered God.

Joseph was betrayed by his brothers and had just been mistreated by a lot of people, but he decided to understand this, what the enemy meant for evil, God meant for good. Also Joseph could have destroyed them all, but instead he choose to forgive them and move on with the plans that God had for his life.

Peter was one of God’s disciples. Although he denined Christ many time, which after lead him to going back to doing what he was doing before he meet God, God showed Peter grace and allowed him to continue in the plans he had set out for him.

Lastly the challenge is are we going to stand firm and be the impact or are we just going to let it all go to waste. The question is are you willing to radically pursue Christ Jesus, forgetting those things which are behind you and pressing toward those things that are ahead.

 “13. Brethren, I could not myself yet to have laid hold: but one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, 14. I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. ---- Philippians 3:13-14

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Do you lead or are you a Leader

The Law of Priorities: Leaders understand that activity I not necessarily accomplishment.

What I am learning from this that as leaders we must have our priorities in order. Also I learned that as leaders we must order our live according to the following question: What is required, what gives the greatest return, and what brings the greatest reward. It is also important to allow your strengths that God blessed us with to be priority in our lives.

The Law of Sacrifice: A leader must give up to go up.

I believe that this is a big thing that we as Christians deal with in the now times. It is hard sometimes to sacrifice certain things in our life so that we can grow more in Christ. One of the important things that I am learning about this law is that there may be things in your life that you think is ok to have, but when we step aside and allow God to show us what should be in our lives and what shouldn’t be there, then will we get the full understanding of sacrifice.

John Maxwell said “The longer you wait to pay the price, the higher it becomes.

The Law of Timing: When to lead is as important as what to do and where to go.

This Law is for sure one that is a daily process, because it is how and what you do with your time that will determine your success. Just on a personal note I could use my time a lot better than I am. I believe that through the Law of timing your true priorities that you have set for your life will show.

These three Laws work really well together because It is in timing that our priorities are set and in order to have the important priorities in order, we as leaders must look at our lives and make major sacrifices to see that will happen.

Just remember as the song says: You got to know when to HOLD them, you got to know when to FOLD them, and you got to know when to WALK away.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Leadership is Influence

Hey guys glad to be back with more interesting things about what I have learned this week.

 Law of Magnetism- Who you are is who you attract.

I have learned so far that this law is so true. You see it throughout your everyday life. Just stop and look at the people you hang around or look at who comes around you when you go out somewhere. This is why it is very important to examine your own life because you don’t want to grow up attracting the wrong people or even people that are good ones, but have some bad tendencies.

Law of Connection- Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand.

I have learned that this law isn’t easy to grasp. The reason I say this is because I believe that in order to touch a heart, you as a leader have to get the people to trust you and believe in your motives before you can touch the heart of the people. I have seem on many different occasions where a leader is more concern with asking for a hand rather than touching hearts. The thing is that with this law there’s a little work to do before it come in full affect, so you have many people today who call themselves leaders that are lazy and wants to go the easy route. They end up asking for a hand and realize that it only works for a little while, but when you put in the work and touch a heart as a ,leader those are the people that you will do without waiting for you to ask for a hand.

Well guys that’s all I have here for this week. Remember “Who you are, is who you attract” and not only is it the law, but it is a million time better to touch a heart than it is than to just ask for a hand.

God loves you, I love you. Have a Blessed day and week

See you next week…….


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ministry; God's Way

Hey guys,, I know it's been a long time since I have ckecked in with you all about how things was going with my personal ministry stuff, but I am back.

 So this month on two seperate friday mornings, I went to Feed My Sheep. This is a place where different groups of church people take turns fixing a hot lunch for some elderly people in the local community who can't make ends meet for the month. So Feed My Sheep is there for those peopl eto at least get a hot meal a few times out of the month. So a couple of students from my school and I went to feed my sheep to lend a hand in making lunch for the elderly people. The first friday we went it was just for 2-1/2 hours  with Mrs. Betty being in charge that week. Then the next friday we wen tfor the full time which was four hours with Mrs. Pippa. Now the lives that were affected was the lives of the elderly men and woman at the lunch. This happens because we take time to go out there and fellowship with the people to get to know them and learn about them so that they will know who we are and know that we don't come our just because, but to invest in their lives and be the example of chirst to them as well. I personally think at the local church we need more of this. All we need is some few people to want to step out and get involved with the people outside of the church because that is where the true ministry is.

Well that's all for this month, see you next month for more exciting personal ministry updates.

Be Blessed!!

Want to be a leader, Ask me how ?

So last week I mentioned four of the 21 laws of leadership. This week I am going to share with you four more of these laws that I have learned.

Law of E.F Hutton- When the real leader speaks, people listen.

Looking at this law I’m sure you are thinking that the person this law is talking about is the speaker, but it isn’t. Sometimes this person can be the one with the most influence in the room.

Law of Solid Ground- Trust is the foundation of leadership.

This law is one of the key laws to all the laws of leadership. Without trust nothing that you’re leading will stay together. This is the glue that holds everything together.

Law of Respect- People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves.

 As leaders it’s important to be able to follow leaders stronger than yourself. This is how you grow to become a stronger leader yourself. John Maxwell has the top six ways that a leader can gain respect and they are: 1. Leadership ability, 2. Respect for others, 3. Courage, 4.Success, 5. Loyalty, and 6. Value Added to others.

Law of Intuition- Leaders evaluate everything with leadership bias.

This law is all about the leader not who finish, but is about the leader who starts the quickest. Also leaders are readers of the following: 1. Leaders are readers of their situation, 2. Leaders are readers of trends, 3. Leaders are readers of their resources, 4. Leaders are readers of people, and 5. Leaders are readers of themselves. Also here are the three levels of leadership intuition: 1.Those who naturally understand leadership, 2.Those who can be nurtured to understand leadership, and 3. Those who will never understand leadership.

Well that’s all for this week, so I’ll leave you with this: “You can’t make changes in your setting of leading unless you have change in your pocket.” John Maxwell