Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ministry; God's Way

Hey guys,, I know it's been a long time since I have ckecked in with you all about how things was going with my personal ministry stuff, but I am back.

 So this month on two seperate friday mornings, I went to Feed My Sheep. This is a place where different groups of church people take turns fixing a hot lunch for some elderly people in the local community who can't make ends meet for the month. So Feed My Sheep is there for those peopl eto at least get a hot meal a few times out of the month. So a couple of students from my school and I went to feed my sheep to lend a hand in making lunch for the elderly people. The first friday we went it was just for 2-1/2 hours  with Mrs. Betty being in charge that week. Then the next friday we wen tfor the full time which was four hours with Mrs. Pippa. Now the lives that were affected was the lives of the elderly men and woman at the lunch. This happens because we take time to go out there and fellowship with the people to get to know them and learn about them so that they will know who we are and know that we don't come our just because, but to invest in their lives and be the example of chirst to them as well. I personally think at the local church we need more of this. All we need is some few people to want to step out and get involved with the people outside of the church because that is where the true ministry is.

Well that's all for this month, see you next month for more exciting personal ministry updates.

Be Blessed!!

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