Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"Milk Does The Body Good"

So this week for I Worked out in the weight room and also did some running. Between the two I split  up the time. Each week I do 3 hours of working out to keep the body healthy and fit. Its important to do these things so that you can stay away from the doctor. In the beginning it will not be easy, but as you pase yourself through , the end results will be want you want. Making this apart of your life daily is a great health benefit not only to yourself, bu talso to the ministry you might be in someday or the family you will have someday.

Bye- Bye, see you next week.

Pray Like Elijah

" Don't carry your yesterday into your today, that will most likely affect your tomorrow."

So I went to the "Concert of Prayer" on saturday and I tell you it was amazing seeing over 200 people all on one accord serving God all in the same room praying and worshiping the King.

Now one of the speakers talked about James 5:14-18. He brought out so many great points, but verses  16-18 stood out to me. It says 16. There confess your sins to each other and pray fo reach other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. 17. Elijah was a human being , even ae we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. 18. Again he prayed, and the heaens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.

If we would start be like Elijah and be bold and prayed up then will what we are looking for from God will appear in our paths.  The speaker also talked about Elijah digging a trench dip enough to fill it up with Four Barrels of water three time each. Wow, that is a total of 12 times that water was pured into the trench that Elijah had dug. Sometimes when we ask God for something we just sit on our butts, and wait thinking its just going to fall out of the sky. Just like I mentioned before Elijah prayed earnestly that it would not rain. Come to find out it didn't rain on the land for three and a half years. We must have faith and believe that when we go to God for something in prayer that it will happen, but here it the thing, " in the mean time continue to do God's work and more until the time comes of your answered pray.

Remember This: "How ever deep is your trench, so shall be your harvest"

Friday, January 27, 2012

Taste and See

God give us all kinds of opportunities to minister to his people. I went to Feed My Sheep cecause I love cooking, and what better way to serve than to serve in something that you like doing. Through this experience I learned that its not all about me. Even though it was my sabbath sometimes sacrifice it better than just sitting around and relaxing. This could definitly be used inthe local church by feeding two meals in one setting.
God bless see you next month.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Get Healthy, Preach Longer

January 21, 2011

So this week I had to do 3 hours of personal body shop. So I decided to one day run for 1 hour, then  with my other 2 hours I lift weights and did other exercises (sit-ups, crunches, and bicycles, dumb bell curls, the curl bar). This might sound strange but, keeping this up will allow me to be healthy, loose weight, keep a good focus meaning not getting tired or sleepy so easily. Now my number 1 health benefit is exercising makes the body fit and stronger. Now don't only exercise in the gym but, also in prayer, witnessing, fasting, living the life of a Christ Follower, and most of all the WORD.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

You are never to old to learn.......

Hey guys,

So January 16th, 2012 I returned back to school at Mission Baltimore. We have a lot of new changes and I am glad to be back. Today is Thursday January 19, 2012. This week I have learned so many new things, but the one that really stuck out to me was my Prayer 101 class with Tim Houston. There are 4 simple ways to communicate with God which are: 1. Talk to God with gut-level honesty, 2. Talk to God about everything, 3. Talk to God continually, and 4. Listen for His response. I am really glad I obtained this great information today. I will work every day to talk to God just like this method.  Sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves that when it’s time to properly pray and talk with God we forget to listen. As Christians we should set time aside for our talks with God and in that time just allow Him to talk to us. When did hearing from God, became a bad thing. Stop the quick prayers and just relax and be one with Christ to receive something from Him. See you next week to tell more about what I learned.

God Bless