Sunday, December 23, 2012

As I served, So should you

Mark 10:45 says, for I did not come to be served but to serve. The act of being a servant is from the heart. This week at home for the Christmas break has been pretty good so far. On Tuesday we helped Ella, Chafik and some of the youth leaders to plan, set up and clean up for the IMPACT youth group Christmas Party. On Wedensday Eleesha and I helped Chafik with his middle school gathering that is held in the evenings during the same time as the Wedensday night bible study. I really feel  that God has been calling me to invest in middle school kids and it was an awesome experience to see first hand a group session with middle school kids. This is a class that Ckafik is putting together so that when I come from school I can fall right into a group of middle schooler and begin to impact their lives the way that God wants me to. On Friday Jevon and I had the honor of spending the whole day with the After School kids by taking them to the Moon Bounce. Jumping, having fun doing what they love to do. Lastly I have been put in charge of planning for the South Hill Church of God 2013 Summer Camp, and have been working on this a few days out of the week. With this camp I decided with the approval of Chafik and Ella I was able to make a Camp Flyer that we would take to the elementary and middle school to advertise for the coming summer camp. This week's hours consisted of about 8 to 9 hours of service. One of my main observations was that in ministry if you want to be successful preparation is the key Another thing is that when you have a team that is willing to work together you can get things done and done right with excellence. Although I stay with Chafik and Ella, and they are my spiritual parents, I found myself most beneficial when I took on the challenge of preparing foor summer camp. I found myself least beneficial in working with the pre-school kids. Even though I didn't mention it earlier my favorite aspect about this week was that i was able to feel out my Exhorters Application  so that I can prepare for taking the test to get my ministry license after school. Through out this week God has been telling me, no matter what happen or what the world may throw at you, just remain focus, and continue to listen to My voice.

Merry Christmas to you all, Be Blessed and continue to have a great break.

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