Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Born 2 Lead

Everyday is a challenge and how you handle it will determine your future. Sometimes we wake up and go out into the world and just dive right in to whatever there is to do. What I have realize though is that what God want us to do is for more important than what we want to do for ourselves. See John 15:5 says, " I am the vine, you are the branches. If you abide in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing." It is very simple that without Jesus we can do absolutely nothing on our own. I think as Christians we loose sight of how God speaks to us; He speaks through our circumstances, the word, prayer, and the church. Allowing God to only speak to you through some of these ways is just as doing things on your own without God. We must be in God's word everyday and allow it to speak to us in ways that we don't normally do. We must watch the way our life goes and be careful to examine our surroundings so that we can hear from God in our everyday life, step by step. The average Christian prays 8 mins. a month. If we start in our own lives to develop a intense personal prayer life with Christ, then will our life begin to be guided the way God wants it to.

Trust and believe in Christ, and let Him lead the way. Phil. 4:13 " I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me."

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