Monday, January 7, 2013

Practicum Week three

It was a great week full of exciting things to do. During the week I continued to work on the advertising for this summer's Summer Camp program. Also that Monday we helped set up and prepare for the New Year's service which was a great turn out, seeing God's people bring in the new year through worship and prayer is such an awesome experience and wouldn't trade it for nothing. On Wedensday we did the middle school class which is still in the growing process, but what God is in, He will bless. Thurday is now called Farm Day. We went to a lady's farm named Ms.Diana. She had ask for us to come and help  her move some stuff on the farm. At first I was a little wacked out about doing it but as we got into the work I realize that sometimes service work isn't always clean work. Because of Gid useing us to serve her, we ended up seeing her in church sunday. I thank God for a group of people that is willing to serve. On Friday I was given the opportunity to help Ms.Yvonne Alexander prep the dinner for the Sunday IMPACT youth auction. I love to cook and that was a definite highlight in my week. I would say that I have completed 10 -12 hours this week. I was most beneficial in cooking projects we had this week. I was least beneficial in having certain things be better then they were. My favorite part of the week was the New Years service. My least favorite was the farm but, even in the things that you don't want to do God will make a way for His glort to be shown. The thing that God has been revealing to me this week is that just because some people do wrong doesn't mean you have to. Also as things begin to come aganist you in this life stay focus on Me and I will take care of the rest. Romans 8:28- "All things work together for the good of those who are in Christ Jesus."

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