Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Relationships R Important

We get so caught up in our daily schedules that we forget the relationships that we are in or either building. This past Sunday Joel and Kayla Carter spoke on, “Remembering your first Love.” They talked about how we loose sight of that in these three areas: Service, Sin, and Distraction. As Christians we do our best to do as must as possible in the church. This is because people really want to be true servants of Christ, but sometimes we get so much into things that we forget the relationship that we have with God. This relationship is very important and should be first on the “To Do” list. God longs for a relationship with His people, it is just up to us to accept Him and start that nice long journey of a relationship with Christ. Also she talked about Revelation 2:2-4. Verse four says, “ Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.” So see after even being acknowledged for doing all that good stuff in verses 2&3, still they have forsaken the first love. Now to flip things a little, the part in the message that I really liked was when they talked about how worship is a great way to remember that first love. I find myself rolling worship songs in my head all the time that allows me to remember God and what He did in my life. Also how He changed my life. I thank Him every day for the relationship that we have and I am working every day to make it a better one, because every personal relationship with God can always be better.

“ Remembering Your First Love”

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