Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Let Go & MOVE

God wants to take you to the next level. It is time to stop building monuments and start a movement. The only way that we are going to go to the next level with God is to listen top His voice and obedience. Sometimes we get so caught up in doing the many things that may be scheduled through out the week. This, without knowing can become a distraction from hearing God. As a leader it is important to lead with love and confidence, but yet firm. Here is the reason that I think this generation is not moving to allow God to take them to the next level. Being taken to the next level requires change and the letting go of things in your life that doesn't belong. We express so much about how we want to do great things for God, but when God says, “ Hey, I know you are enjoying whatever that may be, but it's time to let it go,” or “listen, there are some people in your life that to you, may be your friends, but they are blocking you from the move of God for you to go to the next level.
God has commanded us to GO, but in our going we try carry things that just need to be gone from our lives. As a leader in this community it is very important for me to be walking with Christ with nothing behind me holding me back. As John Maxwell says, “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.” How you act and what you bring into this community will show up in your be coming a disciple as well as being a leader. In my own I am slowly, but surely letting go of some things in my life that shouldn't be there right now. When you begin to actually engage in that process it does hurt, but you have to see the big picture that God is doing some changing in your life. Also when trying to do things alone you always never get full accomplishments, but God has place those few people that are going into the same direction as you in your life for a reason. Know that God will never leave us nor forsake us.

A Challenge to You: Begin to let go of what doesn't belong in your life, and watch God move and through your obedience the next level for you will be coming soon.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Camera 2 "Standby"!

This week was pretty busy, but yet a good one. This past weekend at Winterfest I learned how to operate big production camera's. Even though it was a little hard in the beginning it was still pretty fun throughout the weekend. Besides that I learned what I would like to call, the power to flexibility. I have never ran those camera's before, but despite that I was able to lead a team to do the job that was need for us to do, which was to record Winterfest. Sometimes as a leader you will work with people who you just sometimes can't tell anything to and some will be willing to go with the flow. Given the opportunity to lead the camera crew of Ben, Caleb, Brennan, and myself was pretty awesome. Those guys were awesome and did a great job. The places that I ended up putting everyone in was the right choice to get the work done the right way. Here in the School of Ministry as a leadership student I have leaders above me. These leaders try their best to do all they can to have us succeed. I don't know about anyone else, but I witness it first hand how important it is to respect and listen to your leaders. I can truly say that I'm not perfect in that area and when you are not your best in those area's it tend to make it hard for you in the midst of you being put in a leadership position. Great followers make great leaders, which means you have to be willing to follow in order to have the desire to lead. We are most like Christ when we are serving others.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pain then Victory :-)

Sometimes life get so hard, it seem like everyday, every step, and every breathe is wrong. This happens when you try to focus more on what is going on in your life rather than what God is wanting to do in your life, you tend to loose focus on whats important. Sunday our pastor spoke from Nehemiah chapter 6. Nehemiah was a man on a destiny to rebuild the wall. In the midst of he and his team of workers building the wall, Sanballat and Geshem try to detract him from completing the task at hand. Verse 16 says, "When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God. Because Nehemiah focused on God and allowing him to control the course they was able to get the Job done. When I was listening to this message, God was speaking to me within my own life and what I'm going through. God told me, "listen, the things that you are going through are nothing compared to the plans that I have for you. If you trust me, then you will remain focus on me and allow me to take care of the rest. Build your faith and be encouraged by the people around you. Don't just allow life to just go by and hold stuff in.  From the story of Nehemiah the overall thing that I have learned was when you allow God to lead the course then will you get things done no matter what come your way.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Joy of living a Christain life

This weekend was a very busy  weekend. As I look back at my life and where I am at now I see how much of how God was their in my life the whole time. When I was a young boy living in, D.C., I attended this sidewalk sunday school thing called Kids Konection. God does things early in your life so that later as life develops you begin to see things making since. The last time I was on that blue mat in the sunday school, was about 10 years ago. So 10  years later I meet the lady that God allow to impact my life to be what it is now, I saw her twice, once last year at the Tools Confrence then this past weekend at Winterfest. I tnink when people see the fruit of they have invested in it enables them to keep going. Sometimes you do things in life not knowing what for or where it will lead your life to. God does everything for a reason and when you allow Him to direct your life things begin to make since as time goes by. Who you are as a child can sometimes shape you to be what you will become in the future.