Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Camera 2 "Standby"!

This week was pretty busy, but yet a good one. This past weekend at Winterfest I learned how to operate big production camera's. Even though it was a little hard in the beginning it was still pretty fun throughout the weekend. Besides that I learned what I would like to call, the power to flexibility. I have never ran those camera's before, but despite that I was able to lead a team to do the job that was need for us to do, which was to record Winterfest. Sometimes as a leader you will work with people who you just sometimes can't tell anything to and some will be willing to go with the flow. Given the opportunity to lead the camera crew of Ben, Caleb, Brennan, and myself was pretty awesome. Those guys were awesome and did a great job. The places that I ended up putting everyone in was the right choice to get the work done the right way. Here in the School of Ministry as a leadership student I have leaders above me. These leaders try their best to do all they can to have us succeed. I don't know about anyone else, but I witness it first hand how important it is to respect and listen to your leaders. I can truly say that I'm not perfect in that area and when you are not your best in those area's it tend to make it hard for you in the midst of you being put in a leadership position. Great followers make great leaders, which means you have to be willing to follow in order to have the desire to lead. We are most like Christ when we are serving others.

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