Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Joy of living a Christain life

This weekend was a very busy  weekend. As I look back at my life and where I am at now I see how much of how God was their in my life the whole time. When I was a young boy living in, D.C., I attended this sidewalk sunday school thing called Kids Konection. God does things early in your life so that later as life develops you begin to see things making since. The last time I was on that blue mat in the sunday school, was about 10 years ago. So 10  years later I meet the lady that God allow to impact my life to be what it is now, I saw her twice, once last year at the Tools Confrence then this past weekend at Winterfest. I tnink when people see the fruit of they have invested in it enables them to keep going. Sometimes you do things in life not knowing what for or where it will lead your life to. God does everything for a reason and when you allow Him to direct your life things begin to make since as time goes by. Who you are as a child can sometimes shape you to be what you will become in the future.

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