Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Wake-Up

This weekend I saw something great. I saw and went to this Wake up event that the city of baltimoire had down in the city. There were a lot of people, but not just any kind of people. These people were people who had made a decision to take a stand and publicly pray for hours and hours for the city of baltimore and the world. The reason I 'm saying all that is because what I learned that day was something that I will never forget. On that day of the Wake up I learned that when you are really pursuing God and complete Lord and savior over your life than doing radical things for God becomes like second nature. As christians thats the way we should be all the time. Now is this something that just happen in a day no, but as I have also learned in my leadership class here at Mission Baltimore, Leadership is developed daily not in a day. This same thing apply when you are following God and want to do things that seem impossible. Just another thing that I have learned at the Wake up was that it doesn't matter what your denomination is, who your pastor is, how many people attend your church, or mostly what color you are. The way God see it, is the way we as christians should see it also; one God, one body. The thing that sadden's me is that the church is lacking the act of prayer. My buddy Josh said sunday that, God is bigger than your problems. A lot of times we focus so much on the problems that we forget who the solution is. Remember God wants His people be united as one and all serve Him. I really enjoyed the Wake up, but I pray that the people really woke up and have came to a decision to develope a daily prayer life to stay in complete contact with God.

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