Sunday, November 25, 2012


So this week was a short one, but I was still able to serve the church. So this week I was able to help the church with some yard work, helped a widow with some few things around her house, I helped the Little Lambs Preschool with the set up for their Thanksgiving lunch, and then to finish it up I took the before/after school kids to the Moon Bounce all day. Within those three days I did about 15 hours of service. It is so good to know that you can be used in the church as long as you are willing to be used. One is that when dealing with children you have to be very patient and fun. Another thing is that it is important to take care of the widows in your church to let them know that you care. James 1:27 says, " Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." This week I found myself most beneficial in just the simple act of serving, what they wanted done I tried my best to get done. As far as least beneficial, it had to be besides do what I did I am sure that I could have done much much more. My favorite aspect about this week was spending time with the kids at the Moon Bounce. My least favorite was just the weather being cold because I don't like the cold. I think the main thing that God was saying to me this week was that when all else fails, just serve and know that I will be with you every step of the way.

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