Saturday, April 21, 2012

WHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Can Do It!

Everybody need somebody to cheer them on. This is one who will cheer you on no matter what way life is going. When things are going good I'll be there to cheer and when things are going bad i'll be there to cheer encouraging words to help you to continue to move forward. In my Disciple's Mission book it says, " One reason Christians do not perform the ministries God has given them is that they have not been commissioned." Just like Saul and Barnabas was commissioned and affirmed by the church pledging that they will support them in their particular ministry, we also need to have our churches do the same for us or find some good righteous people to support us in all that we do as well.

Now This support thing is not only just the idea of giving money, but it's supporting with first of all your prayers then your time and your words. The bible talks about being a cheerful giver and just as I talked about, about giving from your heart all of you just like Christ gave all of himself for us we should do the same in our support for others.

As Christians we need to model behaviors and characteristics for other disciples to imitate, beginning another cycle of discipling.

Teamwork make the Dream Work

Every time I begin to start talking about body shop it brings joy to my soul knowing that even though getting up at 5:45am a couple days a week is sometimes crazy, the benefits of this is that I am taking care of my body and health for the future. So Tuesday at 5:45am we had an awesome work out. We ran a lot and we did the 45 sec. 10 session circuit work out.
Also on turesday for about 2 1/2 hours, me and some of the students, we all went down to Piney Run and played 3 intense games of full court basketball.
It's Thursday at 5:45am in the morning, we did our warm -up mile, then we did the two team 100 meter relay. Before you know it, we had done over 5- 100 meter laps a piece between all of us seperately. After we got done with the stuff, we got into our teams again and had a race to do 200 push-ups as a team. Then we all ran 6 laps which is a mile and a half.
You don't have to work out for hours and hours just to get a good work. You can just simply take a little time and push yourself all the way. Doing this will give you just as of a good workout then you will get from and workout for hours.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Grace of Giving

A lot of times we give, but we give wanting something back and that is noit how things work. As a Christian we are to give as Jesus gave to us, not looking for anything in return.
Why should you give?
1. You should give because the god of this world, Satan, has blinded unbelievers' minds.
Satan is out working all the time and he is the giver of all givers. The thing is not that he is giving, it is what he is giving. Just simply giving our time to others to have the opportunity to witness to some one will for sure stop them from taking what the devil has to offer them which is nothin gbut the bad things .
2. The second reason you should give is that you have experienced God's grace in salvation. You give from gratitude for God's gift to you.
3. You give because God's love compels you.
The bible says in 2 Cor. 9:6-7 "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver"

Come on MAN> Moving Like Pond Water

So on Tuesday at 5:45am for one hour, we first did a warm-up mile, then we did these Lap- push up- bleacher run relays (4x). We also did the four team relay, the two man step hops and the two team 100 push-up competition.

On Thursday at 5:45am for one hour, we first did the warm- up mile, then we did the weight hold competition. We also did 200 meter intervels.

On Friday at 5:45am for one hour, we did the warm- up mile, then we ran some 200 meters and some 100 meters.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Sometimes in life as individuals we think we can do it all by ourselves. This may be true but, when you develop a team you get things done a lot easier. Just as I decussed in my bodyshop blog we all work out together every day at 6am. What we did out there couldn't have been done with just one person. One of the things that I learned was that there is no I in  TEAM and Quiting is not an option. Just as one of the 17 Laws of Teamwork states: One is to small of a number to achieve greatness. This means that with a team you can and will achieve more then you will by yourself. Also Law of the chain: The team only move as fast as the weakest person on the team. You know this was design to not leave anyone behind no matter how long it take because as Law of the Big Picture says: The Goal is more important than the role. I would rather for my team to finish as a whole than to finish leaving someone behind. All this does is lower the strength and confidencec of your teammate.

With a Team we can do it. By youeself you might fail and give up; their will be no one there to encourage you to keep going like a Team would.


Leave It All on the TRACK!

So on Tuesday morning at 6:00am it all began. For 1 hour we ran a warm up mile. Then we divided into 2 teams and we did relays by the mile; someone from each team had to do 25 push ups before we were able to start the relay.We also did a relay running the bleachers where coming down the last set of steps I fell and messed my knee up, and also threw up. " Can we say, "INTENSE"!

Then on Wedensday at 6:00am we did another hour. This time we started just like normal, the warm up mile. Then we did the mile relay, but this time we had to carry a 10 pound ball while running and at every quarter mile we had to pass the ball off to another teammate. The push ups were done on the ball this time. O, but it gets better, then within that hour we had to do ball toss in a circle with our teams and then we did the bleacher relay, just this time instead of run we had to hop up the steps with the ball and then run down back to the line to pass it off to the next team member in the line.

The last and final hour, Thursday at 6:00am we did the warm up mile again. Now the relay mile got a little different this time. Now we still had the balls, but instead of one lap break, one lap break, we did the mile all the way through with everybody running the whole thing and we still had to pass the ball off at the points. Now the only time we got to stop in between was the push ups on the ball. By this time we were doing 35 push ups at a time. After this we did this 8 station/ 45 sec workout ( dips, inverted push ups, hops, jump overs, dumb bell curls, lunges while holding weight bar, and 2 stations of the bleacher step hops with the 10lb. ball in hand.

This body shop was really intense, but it taught us how to become and work together as a team. cause we all needed each other.

Remember God is the captian and you can either do it yourself or build a team. "THE TEAM IS BETTER"

Romans 8:28

All things work together for the good of those who are in Christ Jesus.