Saturday, April 21, 2012

WHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Can Do It!

Everybody need somebody to cheer them on. This is one who will cheer you on no matter what way life is going. When things are going good I'll be there to cheer and when things are going bad i'll be there to cheer encouraging words to help you to continue to move forward. In my Disciple's Mission book it says, " One reason Christians do not perform the ministries God has given them is that they have not been commissioned." Just like Saul and Barnabas was commissioned and affirmed by the church pledging that they will support them in their particular ministry, we also need to have our churches do the same for us or find some good righteous people to support us in all that we do as well.

Now This support thing is not only just the idea of giving money, but it's supporting with first of all your prayers then your time and your words. The bible talks about being a cheerful giver and just as I talked about, about giving from your heart all of you just like Christ gave all of himself for us we should do the same in our support for others.

As Christians we need to model behaviors and characteristics for other disciples to imitate, beginning another cycle of discipling.

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