Monday, February 27, 2012

Body Shop

Man you know it hurts when you push yourself , but in the end the results will be great. After hour of basketball with ricky, David, and Justin i was pretty worked up, but my teamwork skills is building by the minute. Running for a hour in the morning is cold but man does it get your day going, not as good as God but its good. Then to finish it up lifting weights is getting me ready for the summer at the beach. (Just kidding). All these things will keep me in good shape and in due time if i keep it up i will be good and healthy for the work of the lord.

See you next week for more body Shop and getting in shape.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Show Up & Change A Life

A Servants Heart

Mark 10:45 says: For even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give His life-- a ransom for many.

If  Jesus the King of kings and Lord of lords can be just a simple servant , the why can't we. I love to cook and I would love to serve in that area any day. Last thursday two of my school buddies ( Caleb and David) me went to Ms.Nancy Carter house just to fellowship with the serious. Also Caleb got the chance to lead those guys in worship. It is amazing how when you are being used by God who you can touch, no matter how young or old when God is in control somebody will get touched or a blessing. We spent about two hours with those men and woman of wisdom.

Feed My Sheep

 Friday I went to Feed My Sheep and had a great time serving the elderly people. It was Ben, Sasha, and I, went to be servants and help any way we can. We were there for 4 hours. We cooked and then served the people at 12. Then the fun part, we got to fellowship with the people and build relationships. Us taking time to go there and serve those wonderful people made a big impact on there lives because they now know that there are some young people who are willing to serve and that care about them. It gives me great joy to have spend time with them. 

With the ministry projects that I did, they can so be carried to the local church. There is always someone who needs or can use a little help. Be who He called you to be and SERVE, SERVE, SERVE 

A Record of Our Conversations

Prayer Journal's are for Christ-Followers

Sometimes we talk to God and he talks to us "if we let Him", and then later we forget the conversations that we had with the Father. I want to share with you something that I learned recently.

How To Develop Your Personal Prayer Journal

Purpose of your personal prayer journal
                    To remind you of what to pray about. Sometimes we get stuck on what to pray about, then we end up praying about stuff that doesn't make since. Now you see the importance of the Prayer Journal.

My Disciple's Victory workbook tells me to design and use a prayer journal that fits your particular needs and personality. So I encourage you to do the same. Not only is this a good way to be with God, but also you will be able to go back later as lie goes by and read what you and God was talking about sometime ago.
Another point that I want to touch on that I learned is: Using Your Personal Prayer Journal

Use your prayer journal every day:Lets not get side track and forget about our prayer journals in our busy little lives. It is important to use it everyday. Doing this will allow you to plan annual evaluation time, just to look back and see how you are growing spiritually.

Stay in the word and use your journal every day. Allow Him to be in control.  

Monday, February 20, 2012

Great Followers equals Great Leaders

So last week I went to Winter Fest and somethings happened that shoudnt have happened. Know sometimes its hard to listen to people younger than you but, when God place those people in your life its for a reason. It is all to build you up s o when the day comes for you to be a good leader then u will be prepared. It takes a great follower to be a great leader. I have the ability to be great leader, but if I don't learn how to keep my mouth close sometimes and just do what im told even if its not what i like, then will i become a great leader someday.

Work baby Work

The Workout

So this time for body shop, I played basketball with my boys Joshua, Nathan, David, Ben, and Justin. We played for an hour. It was  a great workout. Teamwork was the biggest thing learned. Then on another day i worked out in the weight room for a hour, lifting and other floor exercises. Then finished up in Rochester at the Raddision in the Workout room. 20 mins on the treadmill, then 20 lifting, then 20 mins on the bicycle. " body shop was great this week. The more i go hard the more healthy i get.

See u next week. Bye- bye

Monday, February 13, 2012


So 6 hours of body shop is a lot , but when you got to do it then you just get it done.

Running and working out in the weight room is tough, but not bad. Its very sweatie and smelly, but for your body its healthy.With is body shop in my agenda a week it keeps me feeling good and it is making me healthy, also a better person. I'm hurting but someday I'll be healthy like I should be.

See you next time after Body Shop.

Leading You N Truth

So I am really enjoying the study of my Disciple's Victory Book. It is week four and we are learning about praying in faith.

Each week we have scripture- memory verses and this week it is: "This is the confidence we have approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us- whatever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of him" ( 1 John 5:14-15). It's amazing how god speaks to us through scripture. My favorite part of this week was the three commuications God speaks truth to us.
1. Abide in Christ- Abiding in His word is a must. John 15:5 says " I am the vine, you are the branches, if you abide in me and I abide in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing. We as christians muct make sure that we have the word in us.
2. Abide in the Word
3. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in truth.- pg. 72 God reveals His will through His word but only to those who allow the Holy Spirit to lead them in truth.

When Jesus decended into heaven He sent  down the Holy Spirit to counsel us and protect us. We need to take advantage of what the Lord gives us,with out it we cannot achieve what God has in store for each and everyone of us.

God Bless, and see you next week with more of good learning.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Event to Remember

When I first got there I was like " man this stuff is no good." Then as the time went by things started to see more of what it really was supose to be. Sometimes things that you will have to attend in life will never be for you, it's just your help is needed so that someone else can have a great time. I learned a lot of things his weekend, one imparticular; just because something seems bad in the beginning doesn't mean it won't turn out to be something great. Just think back when God excepted you, you were pretty bad off, but he cleaned you up and worked on you until people saw the new you that God created.

WinterFest ended up awesome and man it was amazing seeing over 3000 youth praising and worshiping God. They could have been anywhere else, but they choose to go to WINTERFEST to have an encounter with God. Also when doing certian things for Chirst it is no one man job, it for sure takes a team to do some big exciting, happy, and meaningful things for the Lord.