Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Event to Remember

When I first got there I was like " man this stuff is no good." Then as the time went by things started to see more of what it really was supose to be. Sometimes things that you will have to attend in life will never be for you, it's just your help is needed so that someone else can have a great time. I learned a lot of things his weekend, one imparticular; just because something seems bad in the beginning doesn't mean it won't turn out to be something great. Just think back when God excepted you, you were pretty bad off, but he cleaned you up and worked on you until people saw the new you that God created.

WinterFest ended up awesome and man it was amazing seeing over 3000 youth praising and worshiping God. They could have been anywhere else, but they choose to go to WINTERFEST to have an encounter with God. Also when doing certian things for Chirst it is no one man job, it for sure takes a team to do some big exciting, happy, and meaningful things for the Lord.

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